Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hydrogen on Demand for Average Vehicle

Here is a comment I thought might help all you who are working toward Hydrogen on Demand for average vehicle installation.

hydrogen on demand:

I'm 88yrs woorked on engines all my life Too old now but sure hope i see the day when some one comes up with hydrogen to take the place of gasoline.I enjoy reading about what you are doing keep up the good work. I think you'll break through sometime and we could all be using hydrogen.It's the ideal fuel.

Les Cramer Youngstown Ohio

Thank You Les : We are Getting Closer, here is the most efficient hho dry cell around - The Best Designed HHO Dry cell & hho gas

Down Load Free HHO Dry Cell Plans

Making HHO gas for Free

HHO is NOT pseudoscience. The other name for is is "Browns gas".

To anyone talking about " Thermodynamics " and how " It could never work ". You are completely wrong.
Yes, it is impossible to get more energy out of the system than you put in. We realize this. This is not what is going on. All the electricity coming from your cars alternator, is in fact "free energy" If you don't over load it by trying to draw to many amps.

Much of it is un - utilized. Now since you are taking free energy from your alternator, to produce hydrogen from water, and pump that hydrogen back into your air intake..... you are getting free energy, from free energy. Even if it is only 50% efficient, it does not matter... because there was no extra power needed from the normal processes that operate the car, to obtain the hydrogen. No matter how you put it, the net efficiency of your car increases.

If you want to see the most efficient hho generator around - check out and there HHO dry cell.

Best hho dry cell design

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Free HHO Dry Cell Plans and Other Free HHO Stuff

Free HHO Dry Cell Plans

This post is all about the FREE HHO stuff on our "Free HHO Stuff" page.
I don't know if all you hho experimenters knew it or not, but
has been giving away hho generator plans and hho electrical gadget plans for over a year now. Just stop by and download your choice.

Yes that includes Free HHO Dry Cell Plans

Free HHO Stuff